take a breath


Dr. Weil’s famous 4-7-8 breath technique helps place the body in a state of deep relaxation and is described as a "natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”

Some might even use it as their only pain management during a cavity filling 🤯, as an assist before an uncomfortable procedure 💉or before a flight takes off 🛫 Really any period of anxiousness.

4-7-8 Breathing

I first learned this breathing technique when I was studying to become a Health Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition five years ago. Dr. Andrew Weil, a repeat guest lecturer, spoke about breathing as the central most important function of the human body. That got my attention. I had always thought of our heartbeat as being the most important.

Visualize the Breath

I implemented this into my nightly routine immediately. After the lights go out, which is usually when my mind starts racing about tomorrow’s to-do list, I settle in, get into position and start breathing. It was a challenge at first to crowd-out all other thoughts that had nothing to do with my breathing.

I began visualizing myself shoo’ing these intruding thoughts like they were annoying mosquitoes ready to feast. That tactic didn’t last long because I became distracted by the mosquitoes and lost the breathing focus. I tried a few other visualization techniques but landed on a numerical one, à la a classic movie countdown - but in the correct order - slowly counting until I reached the desired number and accompanying breath. Doing this has seriously helped me maintain my focus and reap the benefits of this deeply relaxing technique.

Dr. Weill recommends practicing this technique 2x/day morning and night to help with falling asleep. Keep it to 4 breath cycles for the 1st month, after which you can increase it to 8 cycles. Dr. Weill said that after few months of implementing this into your life, it will help you with other potential anxiety-inducing experiences, à la those Novacain-less cavities I mentioned above. (*for the record, I’m not a total masochist. I have a Novocain allergy and the breathing has helped me on multiple occasions)


Here’s How to Do Dr. Weil’s Method of 4-7-8 Breathing:

  • Place the tip of your tongue on the ridge of tissue behind your teeth.

  • Take a breath in through your nose, then exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

  • Close your mouth (tongue back in place) and inhale quietly through your nose, counting to 4.

  • Hold for a count of 7.

  • Exhale completely through your mouth, pursing your lips, making a whooshing sound, to the count of 8.

  • Repeat this cycle 4 times.

    When I do this exercise in public, I keep the whoosh to myself and it still works :)


cauliflower mash


6-ingredient teriyaki tofu wrap