forget the kale

no symbol over kale

just kidding about forgetting the kale, which is incredible for so many reasons, but what I want you to know is that kale and all of the other fabulous greens nature has to offer, aren’t the key to health.

more to health then meets the plate  

plate chart

Health isn’t just about the food we put in our bodies, or even the exercises we do or don’t do – it’s about finding balance within. (And no, I do not mean work/life balance, because frankly, that is a myth, and in actuality is more of a see-saw than a balance beam, but I digress.)   Health coaches refer to this as “primary food,” non-food sources of nourishment that truly fuel us: relationships, physical activity, spirituality & career & “secondary food,” the food on our plate. I always say that you can eat all the kale in the world, but if other areas of your life are out of whack, then you won’t reap the kale’s benefits because your body will be out of whack!

let’s talk about balance

Picture this scenario– you are eating a perfectly balanced salad full of great fats, proteins, carbs, etc, but you are eating said salad while sitting at your desk…barely chewing in between bites because you have to run to pee before your next meeting that starts in 5 minutes. Surprise, you ended up with a bloated and cramped stomach. What you might not even consider, while you’re flinching in discomfort, is that your lack of chewing and breathing, and overall feelings of stress, could be what created this problem to begin with vs the actual food. So don’t give up on that kale just yet!

remember to chew

liquid gold

Saliva is as good as liquid gold - breaking down your food into perfect digestive fragments, and without chewing, there’s no saliva.  And when there’s no chewing or saliva, it’s highly likely that large particles of food will make their way into your digestive tract causing digestive problems like gas, bloating, headaches, etc.  A not-so-fun ripple-effect that began when you started eating your perfect salad under subpar circumstances! (p.s. This example comes from experience) 

Remember that idea of balance that I mentioned?  When we’re not truly taking care of ourselves in simple ways- e.g. by chew our food or breathing in between bites - the food on our plate becomes less important because our body is out of whack.  

Take some time to explore your personal balance between primary and secondary food. Which of these areas could use some attention?

Questions to get you thinking about how you can find a bit more balance, health and happiness: 

what does health mean to me?
How has my idea of health evolved over time?
Is health something I currently invest in, time-wise?
Do I listen to my body’s needs and take action?

Suggestions for infusing a little more primary food into your day🤗:

Do something creative 
Go for a walk outside 
Practice deep belly breathing
Treat yourself or someone you love to a something special 
Chew your food
Call a friend
Write a letter to someone you love
Make a happiness list on your phone and check it out whenever you need a pick me up
Get adequate sleep
Take a few breaths before you start eating your meals
Identify a meaningful project you could initiate at work

If you are interested in discovering which primary foods you are missing, and how to infuse joy and satisfaction into your life, let’s chat!


4-ingredient Strawberry Jam


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